All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class of plugin configuration objects supporting additional properties (in addition to the ones defined as annotated fields).
AbstractRDF4JValueDeserializer<T extends org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value>
Converts the NT serialization of an RDF term to an object implementing Value.
AbstractStringToRDF4JValueConverter<T extends org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value>
Converts the NT serialization of an RDF term to an object implementing Value.
Describes the access to a remote server for accessing existing (remote) repositories.
An object implementing this interface processed the results produced by a QueryBuilder generating AnnotatedValue<Resource>s
AnnotatedValue<T extends org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value>
An object implementing this interface processed the results produced by a QueryBuilder generating BindingSets
Exception thrown when an operation is denied because of a blacklisted argument.
ControllerAdvice that handles the exception thrown by Semantic Turkey services (published using the MVC framework).
This class represents the output of a ReformattingExporter.
This extension point allows for connecting Semantic Turkey to a collaboration management platform.
Generic Configuration Properties for Semantic Turkey.
a vocabulary of content types to be defined for properties
see annotation: ContentType
Helper for corrupted project facets.
Indicates in the context of a service operation that the annotated parameter holds an RDF resource, which is created by the operation.
Describes the creation of new local repositories inside the project.
Describes the access to a remote server for the creation of new (remote) repositories.
An ApplicationListener that listens for Event objects and propagates them to other plugins application contexts
Collection of FormsMapping.
A store for the schema of custom project facets.
A storage for custom searches (based on parameterizations of stored SPARQL queries).
The definition of a custom service, which supports the implementation and deployment of an ST service without the need to write, build and deploy Java code.
This extension point allows for plugging different technologies for the implementation of custom services (see CustomServiceDefinitionStore).
A storage for custom service definitions.
Represents a data format.
This extension point allows for connecting Semantic Turkey to (usually remote) dataset catalogs.
Extension point for the dataset metadata exporters
Exception occurred during the generation of dataset metadata (see DatasetMetadataExporter)
Validates HasDatatype constraints.
Indicates in the context of a service operation that the annotated parameter holds an RDF resource, which is deleted by the operation.
Extension point for deployers.
The Deployer extension point.
Information about a directory entry
Indicates a (human-understandable) name for displaying a service operation.
An STProperties which can be defined at runtime.
This enum is useful to distinguish the application that is requiring the usage of an email-service in order to send and email notification (e.g. if it is required the password reset, the system needs to know if it has been required from the VB or ShowVoc client application)
Annotates an STProperties with the allowed values.
Describes an enumeration.
Base class for ST events.
Interfaces for listeners of ST EventListenerTest.
Marks a field of an exception for inclusion in the response returned to the client
A ConfigurationManager for managing stored exporter configurations (see StoredExportConfiguration.
This class represents the context of execution of an ReformattingExporter.
An ExtensionFactory provides instances of a given Extension.
Holds a reference to an an extension together with an optional inline configuration.
Holds a reference to an an extension together with an optional relative reference to a stored configuration.
This annotation associates a property with a setting to get a default value from
Utility class for the implementation of filters.
This interface allows to expose the notion of supported formats.
A collection of CustomForm
Mapping between a class/property and a FormCollection
Represents a graph pattern that can be used to construct a SPARQL query.
Builder for the construction of GraphPattern objects.
Requires that a literal has a given datatype
Requires that a Configuration is about a certain extension point.
Validators associated with the constraint HasExtensionPoint
Requires that a resource has a given role
Requires that a resource has a given type
Validators associated with the constraint HasType
An AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that manages history-relevant metadata related to Semantic Turkey service operations.
A convenient BeanPostProcessor implementation that advises eligible beans (i.e.
A convenience class providing per-thread storage of the metadata about the currenlty executing operation.
Thrown when the URI contained in an owl:imports statement does not match the declared ontology URI.
A ConfigurationManager for managing stored importer configurations (see StoredImportConfiguration.
This is a temporary interface introduced to recognized new-style service controllers, for which we developed LegacyAndNewStyleServiceConnectioManagementHandlerInterceptor.
An invokable reporter based on the invocation of custom services
A storage for invokable reporters based on invocations of custom services.
A HandlerMethodArgumentResolver that uses Jackson's ObjectMapper, with priority with respect to default ones
Defines a JSON realization for Response interface
Defines a JSON serialization based ERROR response
Defines a JSON serialization based EXCEPTION response
Defines a JSON realization of ResponseProblem interface
Defines a JSON serialization based REPLY response
Converters a JSON schema to a DynamicSTProperties.
Indicates that a service parameter is serialized in Json, and thus should be handled with JacksonMethodArgumentResolver.
Requires that an RDF literal represents a language tagged string.
An HandlerInterceptor that implements connection management for legacy (e.g.
This class represents the context of execution of an RDFLifter.
This exception class represents a failure of a RDFLifter.
Literal text inside a rendering template
Extension point for loaders.
The Loader extension point.
Requires that an RDF resource occurs as subject of at least one explicit triple.
Requires that an RDF resource occurs as subject of at least one explicit triple.
Validators associated with the constraint LocallyDefinedResources
Validators associated with the constraint LocallyDefined
This class provides an empty implementation of ManchesterOWL2SyntaxParserListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by ManchesterOWL2SyntaxParserParser.
Class used for syntactic errors in a Manchester Expression (prefix used but not defined is considered a Syntactic error)
Utility class related to the AOP MethodInvocation.
Indicates in the context of a service operation that the annotated parameter holds an RDF resource, which is modified by the operation.
Requires that an RDF resource is a narrower of a given SKOS concept
Validators associated with the constraint SubClassOf
A variable usage inside a rendering template
A tagging interface to mark newer new-style services.
A tagging interface to mark new-style services.
A storage for notification-related system settings.
Requires that an RDF resource occurs as subject of at least one explicit triple.
Validators associated with the constraint NotLocallyDefined
This class realizes a File-persisted manager for namespace-prefix mappings, adopted inside Semantic Turkey projects
This system has an in-memory representation of the map, which is regularly persisted to file; its sync is managed internally.
This annotation marks a property to tell that its default value should not be included in the form returned to the client
Marks a service operation so that history-relevant metadata are omitted.
Represents an individual ontology import
A class managing high level operations (such as recursive ontology import, gussing namespace-prefix mappings etc..) which are usually not automated by a triple store.
Native implementation of OntologyManager for RDF4J.
The definition of an operation provided by a custom service.
Metadata about ST service operations.
It indicates that a parameter of an ST service may be omitted in an HTTP request to that service.
use instead GRAPHDB_CONFIG
A simple pair.
A StdSerializer that serializes commons-lang3 Pair.
The definition of parameter of a custom service operation
Represents a contribution approved by the administrator (the projects has been created) which the data has still not loaded by the contributor.
Holds a pluginFactoryId, its configuration type (if not the default) and any configuration parameter
This class describes the Access Control List for a given Project.
This interface identifies "environments" in which projects may be open and their data be consumed.
Project facets.
A storage for project facets.
An element of the projection associated with a GraphPattern.
A builder for the construction of ProjectionElement objects.
a manager/factory class for creating new projects, for retrieving existing ones or for accessing the loaded projects
A storage for project metadata
A ProjectScopedConfigurableComponent is able to look on configurations from all different Scopes.
Utility class for Projects.
CV based on a property chain.
Generic PropertyFile Manager.
A PUScopedConfigurableComponent is able to look on configurations from all different Scopes.
A QueryBuilderProcessor computing the QName of resources that are IRIs.
A QueryBuilder supports the composition and evaluation of the SPARQL query underpinning an Semantic Turkey service, by taking care of cross-cutting concerns such as rendering and role retrieval.
A @code QueryBuilderProcessor allows to customize the query performed via a QueryBuilder.
The result of applying QueryBuilderProcessor objects to a TupleQueryShallowModel.
An object implementing this interface can be used to process the (raw) results produced by a QueryBuilder, in order to generate the final results.
A factory class for instatiating common QueryResultsProcessors.
A JsonDeserializer for RDF4J BNode.
A JsonDeserializer for RDF4J IRI.
A JsonDeserializer for RDF4J Literal.
Implementation of PlatformTransactionManager for RDF4J Repositories.
A FactoryBean that is used to instantiate the RDF4JRepositoryTransactionManager managing the repository associated with the current project.
Utility class that provides static methods for obtaining connections from Sesame Repositories.
A JsonDeserializer for RDF4J BNode.
/** A JsonDeserializer for RDF4J Value.
/** A JsonSerializer for RDF4J Value.
Extension point for RDF lifters.
The RDFLifter extension point.
An object able to report to an RDFHandler.
this enum class provides a closed list of resource types according to the OWL vocabulary.
Extension point for the export filters.
this enum class provides a closed list of RDF node types.
Marks a service method as read-only.
A RepositoryConnectionInterceptor that forbids mutation operations.
A DelegatingRepository that wraps another Repository forbudding any mutation operation.
A configuration class for the ReadOnlyRepositoryWrapper repository.
provides a unique reference to stored information addressing the system/user/project dimension
This exception class represents a failure of a ReformattingExporter.
Extension point for reformatting exporters.
The ReformattingExporter extension point.
This exception class represents a failure of a ReformattingExporter.
This exception class represents a failure of a ReformattingExporter.
The annotated CharSequence must match the given regular expression.
Validates HasDatatype constraints.
An AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that takes care of term rejection logging metadata.
A convenient BeanPostProcessor implementation that advises eligible beans (i.e.
A settings manager for the association of a project with a remote alignment service.
Stores the coordinates of remote alignment services.
Abstract base class of concrete remote repository access options: CreateRemote, AccessExistingRemote.
A component able to compute the rendering of a collection of resources.
Abstract base class of concrete repository access options: CreateLocal, CreateRemote, AccessExistingRemote.
A component providing the configuration for a RepositoryImplConfig.
A Source for a Deployer that wraps an RepositoryConnection.
A Deployer which can deploy a RepositoryConnection.
The RepositorySourcedDeployer extension point.
A Target for a Loader that wraps an RepositoryConnection.
A Loader which can load data into RepositoryConnection.
The RepositoryTargetingLoader extension point.
An HandlerInterceptor that stores the current request in a thread-local store.
A BeanPostProcessor that reconfigures the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter bean created by the tag <mvc:annotation-driver>.
this annotation marks a property as required (i.e. it must have a value)
Holder class to expose the (optionally wrapped) web request in the form of a thread-bound object.
A Event raised when a resource has been created.
A Event raised when a resource has been deleted.
A convenience class providing per-thread storage of the resource-level change metadata about the currently executing operation.
An AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that manages events about resouce lifecycle related to Semantic Turkey service operations.
A convenient BeanPostProcessor implementation that advises eligible beans (i.e.
This class is used to locate a resource either as belonging to a currently open project or to a remote dataset.
Managed metadata about a resource across its life cycle.
A Event raised when a resource has been modified.
A QueryBuilderProcessor computing the nature of resources.
Defines a basic interface for Semantic Turkey service response
Defines a basic interface for trouble response
Defines an interface for Semantic Turkey query response with data content
Validators associated with the constraint LocallyDefined
Annotate an STProperties property to a schema provider.
Common interface abstracting different search mechanisms.
An AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that manages search-relevant resources after the execution of Semantic Turkey service (mutation) operations.
A convenient BeanPostProcessor implementation that advises eligible beans (i.e.
Binds a service method parameter to the resource that triggered the method in the user interface.
Main class in charge of:
A settings manager for Semantic Turkey core settings.
Different species of service.
A Event raised when a settings has been updated.
A Event raised when a settings has been updated.
SHACL-related settings.
Indicates that a service parameter whose type is a kind of RDF4J Value should not be validated.
Requires that a property is subPropertyOf a given property
Validators associated with the constraint SKOSXLLabelProperty
The source of a Deployer.
A storage for parameterizations of stored SPARQL Operations (see: SPARQLStore).
A parser performing a shallow analysis of a SPARQL query to construct a modifiable representation (see TupleQueryShallowModel).
A storage for SPARQL operations (i.e. queries and updates).
Requires that a String is a Spring cron expression
Validates SpringCron constraint.
Constants for Semantic Turkey-specific changelog metadata.
A @Configuration class for the core framework.
A subclass of LocalRepositoryManager adding ST-related capabilities.
Manages server-side storage of content
A stored export configuration
A stored export configuration
A parameterization of a stored SPARQL operation (see StoredSPARQLOperation).
A Jackson's JsonDeserializer for reading STProperties from files.
A mix-in specifying serialization/deserialization instructions for STProperties.
A Jackson's JsonSerializer for the persistence of STProperties as files.
A schema for an STProperties object.
A Jackson's JsonSerializer for STProperties.
fields decorated with this annotation are marked as properties
An enumeration for an STProperties property.
A schema for a property in an STProperties object.
A type for an STProperties property.
A Deployer which can deploy a FormattedResourceSource.
The StreamSourcedDeployer extension point.
A Loader which can load data into a ClosableFormattedResource.
The StreamTargetingLoader extension point.
Constructs a DataSize object from its string serialization (e.g. 2 MiB)
Converts a string to an ObjectNode.
Converts a string to a PluginSpecification, containing a plugin factoryId and its configuration parameter
Converts the NT serialization of a blank node to an object implementing BNode.
Converts the NT serialization of an (escaped) IRI to an object implementing IRI.
Converts the NT serialization of a literal to an object implementing Literal.
Converts the string serialization of an RDF4J RDFFormat.
Converts the NT serialization of a resource (either an escaped IRI or a blank node) to an object implementing Resource.
Converts the NT serialization of an RDF term to an object implementing Value.
Converts a JSON string to a RepositoryAccess describing different access options.
Constructs a ZonedDateTime object from a ISO-like date-time format, such as '2011-12-03T10:15:30+01:00[Europe/Paris]'.
this annotation is used to inform the STServiceProcessor to generate a controller for the service (class) annotated with it
Base class of Semantic Turkey services.
Aspect wrapping the execution of a service method with appropriate bookkeeping logic.
An interface describing contextual information associated with service invocation.
Utility class for decoding an STServiceContext.
this annotation is used to inform the STServiceProcessor to map a service operation to a method in the controller generated for the defining service class.
A Pointcut implementation matching Semantic Turkey service operations.
This singleton object tracks services inside Semantic Turkey.
A converter implementing the CODA contract RandomIdGenerator by using the generator bound to the extension point URIGenerator.
This enum is intended just for informs the client about the situation of the new registering user through SAML, namely it tells if there are already registered user or not.
Requires that an RDF resource is subClassOf a given class
Validators associated with the constraint SubClassOf
Requires that a property is subPropertyOf a given property
Validators associated with the constraint SubPropertyOf
Constants for the support repository.
A SystemScopedConfigurableComponent is able to look on configurations from the sole Scope.SYSTEM scope.
The target of a Loader.
A template for resource rendering
A component of a rendering template
This annotation can be used to mark a Write annotated service method to indicate that it will create a label/concept.
A RepositoryConnectionInterceptor throwing RepositoryReadOnlyException upon the invocation of mutation operations on a RepositoryConnection.
An EventListener bound to a phase of the current transaction.
A RepositoryConnectionWrapper that is aware of possible transactions bound the current thread.
This enumeration defines the sources from which the system is authorized to resolve transitive imports.
A triple used for search.
This enumeration defins possible scopes for a triple.
A StdSerializer that serializes commons-lang3 Triple.
A StdSerializer that serializes RDF4J's TupleQueryResult
A modifiable representation of a SPARQL query, which supports the addition of GraphPattern objects.
Type information used in the definition of a custom service.
This class contains various integrity checks which are launched when Semantic Turkey is being started and the SemanticTurkeyData directory is found in the user directory.
Extension point for the generation of URIs.
A UserScopedConfigurableComponent is able to look on configurations from all different Scopes.
Utility class about validation.
A variable usage inside a rendering template
Definition of a variable to be used inside a rendering template
Information about a version dump.
Manages version dumps associated with a project.
a class for representing/managing Semantic Turkey version number
An AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that enforces a check on the writability of the current repository for a method annotated with Write.
A convenient BeanPostProcessor implementation that advises eligible beans (i.e.
Marks a service method as read&write.
Have to change the name of this class, it comes from the old BadConfigurationException, and need to make more clear
An exception occurring when a legal RDF term is given but an incompatible type of term is expected: for example, a literal is given, but a resource (either IRI or bnode) is expected.
XMLSchema defines only the datatypes.