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Class STRequests.SystemStart

Defined in: STRequests.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
gets the list of ontology manager implementations (those Semantic Turkey extensions with an OSGi service implementing the STOntologyManager interface)
STRequests.SystemStart.start(baseuri, ontmanager)
asks Semantic Turkey to start.
Class Detail
Method Detail
<static> STRequests.SystemStart.listOntManagers()
gets the list of ontology manager implementations (those Semantic Turkey extensions with an OSGi service implementing the STOntologyManager interface)
Defined in: SERVICE_SystemStart.js.

<static> STRequests.SystemStart.start(baseuri, ontmanager)
asks Semantic Turkey to start. This involves creation of the main project and setting of its characteristic, if it has not already been setup
baseuri and ontmanager are optional. If baseuri is not specified, Semantic Turkey tries to get it from the current main project. If ontmanager is not specified, Semantic Turkey tries to get it from the current project or to get the currently available one if there is only one, otherwise, an exception is being thrown
Defined in: SERVICE_SystemStart.js.
(optional) If not specified, Semantic Turkey tries to get it from the current main project or it throws an exception
(optional) If not specified, Semantic Turkey tries to get it from the current project or to get the currently available one if there is only one, otherwise, an exception is being thrown

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