Pure Ontology Editing functionalities in Semantic Turkey



This section describes the standard ontology editing functionalities available in Semantic Turkey. We will go through the set of functionalities as they appear in the various elements of the user interface.

Class Panel

The Class Panel is actually composed of two main widget components: the Class and the Instances widget. The first one shows the tree of Classes in the Semantic Turkey loaded in the current project, while the latter shows the list of instances for the class selected on the Class widget.


The The possible editing operations that can be used with a click on the icon above the classes subpanel are :

op1 Create Class: adds a class at the root level of the ontology;

op2 Create SubClass: adds a class as a subclass of the selected class;

op3 Create Sibling Class: adds a class as a sibling of the selected class (a subclass of the super class of the selected class)

op4  Delete Class: deletes the selected class. It is not possible to delete classes containing instances nor read-only classes (some classes may be read-only as their definition comes from an imported ontology, or because they are part of some ontology used by an extension, etc..);

Class context menu

upon right-clicking over a class, a context menu like the one here below will appear:


here follows the descriptions of available actions: 

addInstCreate Instance: adds an instance to the selected class;

op2 Add SubClass: adds a class as a subclass of the selected class;

op4  Delete Class: deletes the selected class (again, not possible for read-only classes);

Rename: changes the class name (again, not possible for read-only classes);

Add Synonym; adds an rdfs:label to the selected class;

op3 Create Sibling Class: adds a class as a sibling of the selected class

Instance context menu

If you right click on an instance icon, the context menu in figure below will appear


showing possible operations on the instances:
op11 WebLinks: opens a window that contains Urls Web Pages of the selected instances if it is an instance created with drang&drop from Web;

Rename: changes the instance name (not possible for read-only instances as well);

op12 Delete: deletes the selected instance (not possible for read-only instances as well);

Property Panel

The Property Panel shows the properties of the loaded ontologies (working ontology plus imported ones)


Property context menu

If you right click on an property icon, the context menu in figure below will appear


showing possible operations on the properties. We do not list these functionalities as there are analoguous in all aspects to those available for the classes.

Editor Panel

The editor panel is the common locus for fully editing a specific resource. Usually you open it by double clicking on a resource shown on a tree (for classes, properties and skos concepts) or on a widget (the former ones, plus ontologies, skosxl labels and any other kind of owl individual).

ST 0.11 will feature a completely revamped Editor Panel based on a single template able to host different layers of customization. Current version (0.10) has instead a hierarchical approach, with a common window design, and a few specific windows designed for specific resources, inheriting common aspects from it and customizing the rest.

Class Editor Panel

The class editor panel shown in figure below allow users to modify name of class, to add,change or remove types and super class, to add new property and to add or remove property value.


Individual Editor Panel

The individual editor panel shown in figure below allow users to modify name of individual, to add,change or remove types, to add new property and to add or remove property value.


Property Editor Panel

The property editor panel shown in figure below allow users to modify name of property, to add,change or remove super property, to add ,change or remove domain,to add ,change or remove range,to add new property and to add or remove property value. In case of selected property is an object property you can also modify value of facets: symmetric,transitive, inverse functional, functional and add inverse property of selected property.


SKOS Concept Editor Panel

The SKOS editor has three main sections:
