The Semantic Cooks

Semantic Turkey has been cooked (erm...developed!) by the ART Research Group of the University of Rome, Tor Vergata

The Kitchen

The current kitchen is composed of:

Armando Stellato

Armando Stellato
Eng., PhD, Researcher, Project Lead
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

An insane love for insane architectures...he has two imaginary friends,
sitting on each of his shoulders, fighting an eternal battle between order and chaos.

Ing. Andrea Turbati Andrea Turbati
Eng., Research Associate
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

He can carve any system bit by bit, but don't talk to him about 'frameworks'...
His motto? "if it works, it's good and if it ain't broke don't fix it!"

Ing. Manuel Fiorelli Manuel Fiorelli
Eng., Research Associate
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Dangerously following and amplifying Armando's architectural leaps...
his hobby is (before breakfast) refactoring 10 levels of abstraction into what Andrea just made work so well.

Tiziano Lorenzetti Tiziano Lorenzetti
Research Assistant
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

<A> Uh...Tiziano...if you have time could you implement...
<T>: Done.
<A> Well, then, you could move on to...
<T>: I'm already on it, done by end of today.
<A> This guy is so efficient it's frustrating!


The Semantic Cooks want to acknowledge the work of the the following people which have contributed to the development of past versions of the Semantic Turkey platform

Prof. Maria Teresa Pazienza
Prof. Maria Teresa Pazienza
Full Professor, head of the ART group
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

she was at the start of everything, and she's definitely responsible for its name!
Zoltan Barati Zoltán Baráti
Information Technology Engineer Student at the
Dennis Gabor College, Hungary

porting of java-firefox bridge component to Firefox 4.0 in Firefox 0.7.x
Carlo Ieva Carlo Ieva
M.S. Student at the
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

applet for graph view in version 0.7.2
Luca Mastrogiovanni Luca Mastrogiovanni
M.S. Student at the
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

first prototype of SKOS editor and Allegrograph support
Dott. Francesca Fallucchi Francesca Fallucchi
M.S., PhD Student
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

testing during alpha stage
Ing. Noemi Scarpato Noemi Scarpato
Eng., PhD Student
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Implementor of Presentation Layer from v0.5 to v0.6
Donato Griesi and last, but surely not the least, our big acknowldgements to the memory of:

Donato Griesi
Eng., M.S.
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Implementor of the first prototype of Semantic Turkey (0.1.0)


Project references

If you need to cite Semantic Turkey in your scientific papers, journals and communications, please get a look at the publications page and pick up the reference which best suite your needs