All Implemented Interfaces:
NewerNewStyleService, STService

@STService public class ICV extends STServiceAdapter
  • Field Details

    • logger

      protected static org.slf4j.Logger logger
  • Constructor Details

    • ICV

      public ICV()
  • Method Details

    • explain

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf\', \'R\')") public ICV.InferenceExplanation explain(org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource subject, org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI predicate, org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value object)
    • listConsistencyViolations

      @STServiceOperation @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf\', \'R\')") public List<ICV.ConsistencyViolation> listConsistencyViolations()
    • listDanglingConcepts

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listDanglingConcepts(org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI scheme)
      Returns a list of concepts, where each concept is a dangling concept in the given scheme
      scheme - scheme where the concepts are dangling
      a list of concepts, where each concept is a dangling concept in the given scheme
    • listDanglingConceptsForAllSchemes

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listDanglingConceptsForAllSchemes()
      Returns a list of concepts and search in all schemes
      a list of concepts and search in all schemes
    • listConceptSchemesWithNoTopConcept

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(conceptScheme)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listConceptSchemesWithNoTopConcept()
      Returns a list of schemes that have no top concept
      a list of schemes that have no top concept
    • listConceptsWithNoScheme

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listConceptsWithNoScheme()
      Returns a list of concepts that don't belong to any scheme
    • listTopConceptsWithBroader

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept)\', \'R\')") public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode listTopConceptsWithBroader()
      Returns a list of concepts that are topConcept but have a broader in the same scheme
      a list of concepts that are topConcept but have a broader in the same scheme
    • listResourcesWithNoSKOSPrefLabel

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesWithNoSKOSPrefLabel()
      Returns a list of concepts or schemes that have no skos:prefLabel
      a list of concepts or schemes that have no skos:prefLabel
    • listResourcesWithNoSKOSXLPrefLabel

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesWithNoSKOSXLPrefLabel()
      Returns a list of concepts/schemes/collections that have no skosxl:prefLabel
      a list of concepts/schemes/collections that have no skosxl:prefLabel
    • listDanglingXLabels

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(xLabel)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listDanglingXLabels()
      Returns a list of dangling labels, namely the labels not linked with any concept
      a list of dangling labels, namely the labels not linked with any concept
    • listResourcesWithAltNoPrefLabel

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesWithAltNoPrefLabel(RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray) throws UnsupportedLexicalizationModelException
      Return a list of resources with skos:altLabel(s) (or skosxl:altLabel) but not a corresponding skos:prefLabel (or skos:prefLabel) for the same language locale.
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      a list of resources with skos:altLabel(s) (or skosxl:altLabel) but not a corresponding skos:prefLabel (or skos:prefLabel) for the same language locale.
    • listResourcesNoLexicalization

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesNoLexicalization(RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray, String[] languagesArray)
      Return a list of resources with no lexicalization (rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel or skosxl:prefLabel) in one or more input languages
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      languagesArray - an array containing all languages in which to look for no lexicalization
      a list of resources with no lexicalization (rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel or skosxl:prefLabel) in one or more input languages
    • listConceptsExactMatchDisjoint

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listConceptsExactMatchDisjoint()
      Return a list of concepts mapped to each other using both skos:exactMatch and one of skos:broadMatch or skos:relatedMatch mapping properties as the exactMatch relation is disjoint with both broadMatch and relatedMatch
      a list of concepts mapped to each other using both skos:exactMatch and one of skos:broadMatch or skos:relatedMatch mapping properties as the exactMatch relation is disjoint with both broadMatch and relatedMatch
    • listConceptsRelatedDisjoint

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listConceptsRelatedDisjoint()
      Return a list of concepts connected to each other with both the skos:related and the skos:broaderTransitive as the skos:related relation is disjoint with skos:broaderTransitive (it consider also all their subproperties with the transitive closure)
      a list of concepts connected to each other with both the skos:related and the skos:broaderTransitive as the related relation is disjoint with broaderTransitive
    • listResourcesWithMorePrefLabelSameLang

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesWithMorePrefLabelSameLang(RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray) throws UnsupportedLexicalizationModelException
      Return a list of resources that have more than one skosxl:prefLabel for the same language locale
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      a list of resources that have more than one skosxl:prefLabel for the same language locale
    • listResourcesWithNoLanguageTagForLabel

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesWithNoLanguageTagForLabel(RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray)
      Return a list of resources that have a SKOS/SKOSXL label without any language tag
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      a list of resources that have a SKOS/SKOSXL label without any language tag
    • listResourcesWithExtraSpacesInLabel

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesWithExtraSpacesInLabel(RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray)
      Return a list of resources with extra whitespace(s) in skos(xl):label(s) annotation properties
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      a list of resources with extra whitespace(s) in skos(xl):label(s) annotation properties
    • listResourcesWithSameLabels

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesWithSameLabels(RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray) throws UnsupportedLexicalizationModelException
      Return a list of different resources where each resource belong to the same scheme as another resource and these two resources have the same skos:prefLabel or skosxl:prefLabel/skosxl:literalForm
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      a list of different resources where each resource belong to the same scheme as another resource and these two resources have the same skos:prefLabel or skosxl:prefLabel/skosxl:literalForm
    • listResourcesWithOverlappedLabels

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesWithOverlappedLabels(RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray) throws UnsupportedLexicalizationModelException
      Return a list of resources with overlapped lexicalization (resource with same label multiple times)
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      a list of resources with overlapped lexicalization (resource with same label multiple times)
    • listResourcesNoDef

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesNoDef(RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray, String[] languagesArray)
      Return a list of resources not having the property skos:definition for the given languages
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      languagesArray - an array containing all languages in which to look for the definitions
      a list of resources not having the property skos:definition for the given languages
    • listConceptsHierarchicalCycles

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept)\', \'R\')") public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode listConceptsHierarchicalCycles()
      Return a list of concepts belong to hierarchical cyclic
      a list of concepts belong to hierarchical cyclic
    • listConceptsHierarchicalRedundancies

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept)\', \'R\')") public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode listConceptsHierarchicalRedundancies(@Optional(defaultValue="true") boolean sameScheme) throws UnsupportedLexicalizationModelException
      Return a list of triples that are redundant from the hierarchical point of view
      sameScheme - true to look only on the same scheme (optional value, its default value is true), false otherwise
      a list of triples that are redundant from the hierarchical point of view
    • listAlignedNamespaces

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode listAlignedNamespaces(RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray) throws ProjectAccessException
      Return a list of namespaces of alignments concepts with the number of alignments per namespace
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      a list of namespaces of alignments concepts with the number of alignments per namespace
    • listBrokenAlignments

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode listBrokenAlignments(Map<String,String> nsToLocationMap, RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray) throws ProjectAccessException
      Return a list of triples of broken alignments
      nsToLocationMap - a map to link namespace to location
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      a list of triples of broken alignments
    • listBrokenDefinitions

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode listBrokenDefinitions(RDFResourceRole[] rolesArray, @SubPropertyOf(superPropertyIRI="") org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI property)
      Return a list of triples of broken definitions (definition that are not defined in the local repository nor can be resolved with a remote one using http dereferenciation )
      rolesArray - an array containing all the roles to which the desired resource should belong to
      property - the subProperty of skos:note to consider
      a list of triples of broken definitions (definition that are not defined in the local repository nor can be resolved with a remote one using http dereferenciation )
    • listLocalInvalidURIs

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listLocalInvalidURIs()
      Return a list of resources having an invalid URI according to complex regex
      a list of resources having an invalid URI according to complex regex
    • listResourcesURIWithSpace

      @STServiceOperation @Read @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource)\', \'R\')") public Collection<AnnotatedValue<org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource>> listResourcesURIWithSpace()
    • setAllDanglingAsTopConcept

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept, taxonomy)\', \'C\')") public void setAllDanglingAsTopConcept(org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI scheme)
      Quick fix for dangling concepts. Set all dangling concepts as topConceptOf the given scheme
      scheme - the scheme to which all dangling concept will set as top concept of
    • setBroaderForAllDangling

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept, taxonomy)\', \'C\')") public void setBroaderForAllDangling(org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI scheme, org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI broader)
      Quick fix for dangling concepts. Set the given broader for all dangling concepts in the given scheme
      scheme - the scheme to which all dangling concept will be associated to
      broader - the concept to which all dangling concept will be set as broader of
    • removeAllDanglingFromScheme

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept, schemes)\', \'D\')") public void removeAllDanglingFromScheme(org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI scheme)
      Quick fix for dangling concepts. Removes all dangling concepts from the given scheme
      scheme - the scheme which will be removed from all dangling concept
    • deleteAllDanglingConcepts

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept)\', \'D\')") public void deleteAllDanglingConcepts(org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI scheme)
      Quick fix for dangling concepts. Delete all the dangling concepts of the given scheme
      scheme - the scheme from which all dangling concept will be be deleted from the ontology
    • addAllConceptsToScheme

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept, scheme)\', \'C\')") public void addAllConceptsToScheme(org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI scheme)
      Quick fix for concepts in no scheme. Add all concepts without scheme to the given scheme
      scheme - the scheme to which all concepts having no scheme will be added to
    • removeBroadersToConcept

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept, taxonomy)\', \'D\')") public void removeBroadersToConcept(org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI concept, org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI scheme)
      Fix for topConcept with broader. Remove all the broader relation in the given scheme of the given concept.
      concept - the concept which will be no longer the broader of the top concept of the given scheme
      scheme -
    • removeBroadersToAllConcepts

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept, taxonomy)\', \'D\')") public void removeBroadersToAllConcepts()
      Quick fix for topConcept with broader. Remove all the broader (or narrower) relation in the of top concepts with broader (in the same scheme).
    • removeAllAsTopConceptsWithBroader

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept, taxonomy)\', \'D\')") public void removeAllAsTopConceptsWithBroader()
      Quick fix for topConcept with broader. Remove as topConceptOf all the topConcept with broader.
    • removeAllHierarchicalRedundancy

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(concept, taxonomy)\', \'D\')") public void removeAllHierarchicalRedundancy()
      Quick fix for hierarchical redundancy. Remove narrower/broader redundant relations.
    • deleteAllDanglingXLabel

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(xLabel)\', \'D\')") public void deleteAllDanglingXLabel()
      Quick fix for dangling xLabel. Deletes all triples that involve the dangling xLabel(s)
    • setDanglingXLabel

      @STServiceOperation(method=POST) @Write @PreAuthorize("@auth.isAuthorized(\'rdf(resource, lexicalization)\', \'C\')") public void setDanglingXLabel(org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI concept, org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI xlabelPred, org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource xlabel)
      Fix for dangling xLabel. Links the dangling xLabel to the given concept through the given predicate
      concept - the concept which will be linked with the given xlabelPred to the input xlabel
      xlabelPred - the property which will be used to link the given concept to the input xlabel
      xlabel - the xlabel which will be linked to the given concept using the input xlabelPred