ClassDescriptionThis class provides services related to the blacklist.This class provides services for manipulating OWL/RDFS classes.This class provides services for collaboration (e.g. connection to an issue tracker).This class provides services for handling configurations.This class provides services for interacting with dataset catalogs.This class provides services for exporting metadata about the dataset associated with the current project.This class provides services for manipulating datatypes.This class provides services for documentation generation.This class provides services for manipulating Alignments in the Align API format.This class provides services for exporting the data managed by a project .This class provides services for handling extensions.This class provides services for interacting with the history of a project.Indicates that a service was unable to determine the language to index (and thus sort) the correspondences in an EDOAL project.This class provides services for manipulating individuals.This class provides services for input/output.This class provides services related to the lexicographer view, which provides a simplified, streamlined visualization of OntoLex-Lemon lexicons.LexicographerView.LexicoSemanticRelation.LexicoSemanticRelationPolicy<T,
S extends LexicographerView.LexicoSemanticRelation<T>> This class provides access to the capabilities of MAPLE (Mapping Architecture based on Linguistic Evidences).This class provides services for manipulating metadata associated with a project.Represents an individual prefix mapping.Services related to the management of multiple worlds.This class provides access to the capabilities of MAPLE (Mapping Architecture based on Linguistic Evidences).This class provides services for manipulating the ontology mirror.This class provides services for manipulating data based on the W3C OntoLex-Lemon Model.This class provides services for reading the Properties.This class provides services to convert SKOS to SKOSXL data and SKOSXL to SKOS.This class provides services for interacting with remote alignment services.This class provides services for accessing remote repositories.This service produces a view showing the details of a resource.This class provides services for obtain information on the available services.This class provides services for handling settings.Inner class useful just for { @link getStartupSettings } in order to return a Settings that is a mix between a default project setting (languages) and a subset of CoreSystemSettings propertiesThis class provides services for manipulating SHACL constructs.This class provides services for manipulating SKOS constructs.This class provides services for manipulating SKOSXL constructs.This class provides services for SPARQL queries/updates.This class provides services for storing content.Service class related to the management of undoThis class provides services related to operation validation.This class provides services for handling versions of a repository.